Jaxe is our newest videogame, a revolutionary 3D beat 'em up. Think of a mix of action and strategy,
take some elements from the FPS, such as a 360 degrees freedom and the variety of weapons,
and add a massive multiplyer support (up to 16 human players contemporarily).
There's a great number of game modes; some of them let you organize teams to fight against other
teams, challenge with another player (also using the same PC), fight alone or generate great
brawls and much more. It's development started in June 2002; more infos and screenshots will be
availbable soon.
The Rage is an old school scrolling beat 'em up; there are up to 4 human players 6 stages
and there's also the network mode (LAN and Internet).
The Rage has been released in Europe, Australia, Russia, India and soon in South Corea and Israel.
You can also buy it online here (outside USA only).
In The Rage's download section you'll find a
playable demo of the game.

If you're a publisher and you're interested in our products, please feel free to contact us at
contact@fluidgames.net. Please note that this site is about videogames only;
we can offer you a much larger variety of services and products (3D engines, 3D computer graphic, web sites, musics, etc.)
at FluidInteractive's home page.